Preparing for Your First Brazilian Wax

Preparing for Your First Brazilian Wax

Preparing for Your First Brazilian Wax


Brazilian waxing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Not only does it leave you feeling smooth and hair-free, but it also eliminates the need to shave or wax as often. If you’re considering getting a Brazilian wax, there are a few things you should know before your appointment. Here’s what you need to know before your first Brazilian wax.

Length of Hair

Your hair needs to be at least ¼ inch long for the wax to grip onto it and pull it out successfully. If your hair is too short, the wax won’t be able to work its magic. You can either wait a few weeks until your hair grows out, or you can use an epilator or tweezers to keep up with the growth in between visits.

Pain Management

Waxing can be painful, especially if this is your first time doing so. There are several ways to reduce the pain associated with waxing including taking ibuprofen one hour prior to your appointment and using numbing cream on the area prior to waxing. Some spas may also offer additional services such as laser treatments that can help reduce pain and make subsequent appointments less painful than the first one.


It’s important that you come in for your appointment clean and freshly showered. This will help make sure that any bacteria or dirt on your skin does not get transferred into the pores during the process of waxing. You should also avoid shaving or using any other forms of hair removal in between appointments as this may irritate or damage your skin which could lead to complications with future appointments.


At Platinum Gold Aesthetics, we offer professional Brazilian waxes in Lake Mary that are tailored specifically for each client’s needs and comfort level. Our experienced staff is committed to providing high-quality results while minimizing any discomfort experienced during treatment sessions. So if you're seeking a Brazilian wax in Lake Mary, contact us today and book an appointment! We look forward to helping you achieve smooth, hair-free skin!

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