How to Slow Face Hair Growth Naturally

How to Slow Face Hair Growth Naturally

How to Slow Face Hair Growth Naturally


Facial hair can be a source of frustration for many women, especially if it's excessive or unwanted. While there are many ways to remove facial hair, from laser hair removal to face wax in Lake Mary, FL, there are also some natural methods that can help slow down facial hair growth. In this article, we'll explore some of the most effective ways to reduce unwanted facial hair growth using natural remedies.


1. Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea is a natural anti-androgen, which means it can help reduce the levels of androgens in the body that contribute to excess hair growth. Drinking two cups of spearmint tea a day may help reduce unwanted facial hair growth over time. Additionally, spearmint tea is known to boost mood and improve digestion, making it a great addition to your daily routine.

2. Turmeric Mask

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help prevent hair growth. Creating a turmeric mask by mixing 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of water and applying it to your face for 20-30 minutes a few times a week can help reduce facial hair growth. Be sure to spot-test on a small area first, as turmeric can sometimes cause irritation or staining.

3. Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is a natural supplement that can help regulate hormonal imbalances and reduce excess hair growth. Taking 40-80 mg of black cohosh daily may help reduce facial hair growth and other symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

4. Papaya and Turmeric Scrub

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain that can break down hair follicles and slow down hair growth. Mixing papaya with turmeric powder and water to create a scrub can help reduce facial hair growth over time. Apply the scrub to your face for a few minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Repeat this process once a week for best results.

5. Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals can help regulate hormone levels and reduce unwanted facial hair growth. Foods such as salmon, quinoa, apples, and almonds are known to promote hormone balance and reduce excess hair growth.



While there are many ways to remove unwanted facial hair, from face wax in Lake Mary, FL to laser hair removal, trying natural remedies first may be a safe and effective way to slow down facial hair growth. Spearmint tea, turmeric masks, black cohosh, papaya and turmeric scrubs, and eating a balanced diet are all natural ways to reduce unwanted facial hair growth without the use of harsh chemicals or procedures. Remember that everyone's skin is unique, so it's important to always spot test new products and consult with a dermatologist if needed. If you want to try face wax in Lake Mary, FL, contact Platinum Gold Aesthetics today to book an appointment.

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